Kristian Kåber Pedersen, MSc Mol., PhD, Dept. of Dermatology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg

Exploring hedgehog inhibition in basal cell carcinomas using local, targeted treatments - topical vismodegib and ablative fractional CO2 laser


The aim of this thesis was two-fold: 1) to identify the currently available literature on local, targeted hedgehog-inhibitor treatments of BCCs. 2) to explore the potential of local, targeted treatment with AFL and vismodegib on early-stage BCCs. The thesis describes results from three studies. The objectives of these studies are listed below.

Study objectives:

1. A. To obtain an overview of the existing literature in the field of topical hedgehog delivery.

2. A. To evaluate hedgehog pathway gene expression in early-stage BCCs following AFL and topical vismodegib treatment.

2. B. To apply transcriptomics for profiling of early-stage BCCs and for comparison of the treatment effects of AFL and vismodegib on early-stage BCCs.

For copyright compliance reasons, the document on this page has been abbreviated to only include a list of papers and summaries in Danish and English.