Rikke Louise Christensen, MSc, PhD, Dept. of Dermatology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg

Potential roles of the ablative fractional CO2 laser in combination with PD-1 inhibitors


This thesis aimed to investigate the potential roles of AFL in combination with PD-1 inhibitors. Specifically, the work was structured around a two-tiered aim constituting: A. Investigation of AFL as drug delivery technique for aPD-1 antibodies and B. Assessment of AFL as adjuvant to systemic aPD-1 treatment.

Study objectives

  1. To explore the feasibility of AFL and EPI as delivery techniques for aPD-1 antibodies in an in vitro porcine model.
  2. To investigate cutaneous pharmacokinetics, drug biodistribution and tolerability of AFL-assisted delivery and intradermal injection of aPD-1 antibodies in an in vivo porcine model.
  3. To assess the tumor response following combination treatment with adjuvant AFL and systemic aPD-1 therapy in a cSCC mouse model.


For copyright compliance reasons, the document on this page has been abbreviated to only include a list of papers and summaries in Danish and English.