In-vivo assessments of actinic keratosis microvasculature with dynamic optical coherence tomography
The overall aim of this thesis was to apply D-OCT to investigate vascularization in AK of different clinical grades I-III and PD skin using qualitative and quantitative image analysis, focusing on D-OCT´s potential utility to refine clinical AK assessment and explore lesions´ responsiveness to field-directed treatment.
- Characterize microvascular features in AK grades I-III and PD skin using D-OCT to explore its potential ability to improve clinical and dermatoscopic AK assessment.
- Quantify microvascular features associated with the different clinical AK grades I-III and PD skin using D-OCT combined with automated vascular analysis.
- Apply D-OCT to assess baseline differences in vascularization between treatment-resistant and treatment-responsive AK undergoing dPDT, with a 12-month follow-up period.
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