Martin Wiinberg
DTU Health Technology
Technical University of Denmark
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Current research
The focus of my PhD project is using immunotherapy as a treatment for skin cancer. Cancer cells are specialized in evading the defense mechanisms of the body. Our vision is that laser therapy and immune-stimulating drugs can activate the body’s immune cells to fight skin cancer. We want to develop new cancer models that can improve our understanding of skin cancer.
Main interests
- Immunotherapy
- Keratinocyte cancer
- Laser therapy
- Innovative treatments
Short description
The PhD project is conducted as part of a cross-institutional scientific collaboration between the Technical University of Denmark and Bispebjerg Hospital, Department of Dermatology, with Proffessor Thomas Andresen as the main supervisor and Merete Hædersdal as co-supervisor.
I have previous experience with translational research in experimental cellular therapies for cancer. I have been an active board member Synapse — Life Science Connect, a non-profit life science organization.
Olesen UH, Wiinberg M, Lerche CM, Jæhger DE, Andresen TL, Haedersdal M. Anti-PD-1 Therapy with Adjuvant Ablative Fractional Laser Improves Anti-Tumor Response in Basal Cell Carcinomas. Cancers 2021;13(24):6326.
Jones DS, Nardozzi JD, Sackton KL, Ahmad G, Christensen E, Ringgaard L, Chang D-K, Jaehger DE, Konakondla JV, Wiinberg M, Stokes KL, Pratama A, Sauer K, Andresen TL. Cell surface–tethered IL-12 repolarizes the tumor immune microenvironment to enhance the efficacy of adoptive T cell therapy. Science Advances 2022;8(17).