Research project (completed)

Calcium electroporation for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma – a ‘Proof of concept’ study

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of cancer with increasing incidence rates and new effective treatments are needed. In calcium electroporation permeabilization of the cell membrane by electric pulses (electroporation) allows calcium to enter the cell leading to necrosis. Calcium electroporation has been shown to be as effective in the treatment of cutaneous metastases and the aim of the study is to show the efficacy in primary basal cell carcinoma.

A total of 25 patients with low risk primary basal cell carcinoma was treated in local anesthesia with injection of calcium chloride directly into the tumor including a safety margin of 5 mm, followed by electroporation with pulse frequencies of either 250 kHz or 5 kHz. The higher frequency was designed to limit muscle contraction during treatment. Histology proven non-complete responders were retreated after 3 months. Tumor demarcation, tumor depth and efficacy were evaluated using optical coherence tomography. Long term follow-up at 12 months were performed to evaluate the cosmetic outcome and recurrence rate.


Consultant dermatologist Stine Regin Wiegell, PhD, MDSc

Project supervisors

Professor Merete Hædersdal

Professor Julie Gehl

Professor Gregor Jemec

Project period

Year: 2019 - 2022

Project collaborators

Professor Julie Gehl, Onkologisk afdeling, Sjællands Universitetshospital

Gregor Jemec, Dermatologisk afdeling, Sjællands Universitetshospital

Mirai Medical, Cork, Ireland


Department of Oncology, Sealand University Hospital 

Department of Dermatology, Sealand University Hospital 

Mirai Medical, Cork, Ireland

Udvalgte publikationer

Hendel K, Jemec GBE, Haedersdal M, Wiegell SR. Electrochemotherapy with bleomycin for basal cell carcinomas: A systematic review. JEADV 2021, acceptet for publication

Clover AJPSalwa SPBourke MG et al. Electrochemotherapy for the treatment of primary basal cell carcinoma; A randomised control trial comparing electrochemotherapy and surgery with five year follow up. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2020; 46:847-54.

Falk H, Matthiessen LW, Wooler G et al. Calcium electroporation for treatment of cutaneous metastases; a randomized double-blinded phase II study, comparing the effect of calcium electroporation with electrochemotherapy. Acta Oncol. 2018; 57:311-19